Thursday, September 18, 2008

Something New, #145

In continuing to show my support for Barack Obama, I made a donation to his campaign by purchasing a yard sign. I can't wait to get it and add to the beautification of my neighborhood.

I also made a charitable donation to Planned Parenthood, in VP candidate Sarah Palin's name. My fellow True Blue Woman, Megan, sent me the following.

"We may be closer to talking to women on the other side! I know everyone is sick of getting emails preaching to the choir, but the following suggestion is something we can actually do, that will do good.

Go to the Planned Parenthood website and hit "donate." It gives a path to donate in someone's honor, which is where you enter Sarah Palin's name, and address of the McCain headquarters. If you just give $5, it sends a message. Every $$ goes to either help someone or fight the anti-choice forces. Make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin's name.

And here's the good part: when you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor.

Here's the link to the Planned Parenthood website. Just think of her pastor in Alaska knowing that her name has been linked to Planned Parenthood. If nothing else, a donation to Planned Parenthood is always good…. Fighting the Sarah Palin’s of the world….

So let’s honor her. Middle Tab on top of home page…Donate. Drop down menu, third option “Honorary or Memorial Donations”$5.00 minimum. You'll need to fill in the address to let Planned Parenthood know where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card. I suggest you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters, which is:McCain for President, 1235 S. Clark Street, 1st Floor, Arlington, VA 22202"

I love the idea of the GOP headquarters getting all those "Thank You" postcards. Anyway, for $5, it's a good prank.

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